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VOXL 2 Setup ADB

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. USB Cable Types
  3. Host Computer Setup
  4. Common ADB Commands
    1. Check for Devices
    2. Access the Shell
    3. Exit out of adb shell
    4. Run Something Once with adb shell <command>
    5. Wait for Device
    6. Copying Files
    7. Reboot VOXL 2
  5. Related Video


The following describes how to setup the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool on a host computer. This tool is used to facilitate communications and file transfers between the VOXL 2 and the host computer.

USB Cable Types

Using USB C to USB type A cables has worked well, we’ve seen some computers where USB C to USB C cables are not working well. If you have having issues with connections, please try a USB C to USB type A cable.

Host Computer Setup

Install the Android Debug Bridge (ADB):

me@mylaptop:~$ sudo apt install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot

ModalAI Top Tip: to run ADB without root on the host PC, create a file called /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules containing this udev rule on the host computer:

me@mylaptop:~$ sudo su
root@mylaptop:/home/me# echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="05c6", ATTRS{idProduct}=="901d", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", SYMLINK+="voxl%n"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
root@mylaptop:/home/me# echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTRS{idProduct}=="d00d", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev", SYMLINK+="voxl-fastboot%n"' >> /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
root@mylaptop:/home/me# udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Common ADB Commands

Listed here for convenience are some common ADB commands.

Check for Devices

From the host, you can check for connected devices using adb devices

me@mylaptop:~$ adb devices
List of devices attached
73a05d48	device

Access the Shell

You can gain access to VOXL 2’s shell from the host computer using adb shell

me@mylaptop:~$ adb shell

This will start an sh shell. Generally you want to use a bash shell instead, so we recommend starting bash right away. Running adb shell followed by starting ‘bash’ will look like this:

me@mylaptop:~$ adb shell
/ # bash

You should see the ‘yocto’ prompt after starting bash. To confirm, you can also look at the SHELL variable:

yocto:/# echo $SHELL

Exit out of adb shell

Just use the exit command to exit. If you started a bash shell inside the sh shell as described above, you will need to run exit twice to exit out of each. The process to start a shell, start bash, and exit again looks like this:

me@mylaptop:~$ adb shell
/ # bash
voxl2:/# echo "I am inside VOXL 2!"
I am inside VOXL 2!
voxl2:/# exit
/ # exit

Run Something Once with adb shell <command>

If you don’t want to start an interactive shell, but just want to run one command on VOXL 2, you can pass the command directly to adb shell.

me@mylaptop:~$ adb shell echo "I am inside VOXL 2"
I am inside VOXL 2

Wait for Device

A useful command for creating scripts for host-to-target communications is this one that sits and waits until a device is connected:

me@mylaptop:~$  adb wait-for-device

Copying Files

You can copy files to/from VOXL 2 (similar to scp) using the adb push and adb pull commands.

For example, to copy /temp/test.dat to the VOXL 2 at /:

me@mylaptop:~$ adb push /tmp/test.dat /
/tmp/test.dat: 1 file pushed.

To copy it back from the VOXL 2 at /test.dat to /temp

me@mylaptop:~$ adb pull /test.dat /tmp
/test.dat: 1 file pulled

Reboot VOXL 2

You can reboot VOXL with a single adb command adb reboot. This is often followed by adb wait-for-device which returns when VOXL has finished rebooting.

me@mylaptop:~$  adb reboot

Next: Computer Vision Quickstart