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libmodal_json is an extension of Dave Gamble’s excellent cJSON library with the following helper functions to facilitate the most common JSON file operation used at ModalAI for config and calibration files. All the cJSON functions and types are included in this header and library to give the user complete low-level control. If there isn’t a helper function in this header for something you want to do, look through cJSON.h and you will find what you need!

This library is used by most MPA services to support configuration files. It is also used by libmodal_pipe to publish human and computer readable information about pipes in the file system.

libmodal_json is distributed as a dual-architecture 32/64 library in IPK format as part of VOXL Suite. If you wish to dive deeper or compile yourself, then you can find source code and build instructions here.

Almost every MPA project serves as some example of how to use libmodal_json. However, the modal-test-json test program is a good starting point as it covers use of almost the entire API.

API straight from modal_json.h

 * @brief      Makes a new empty json file if one does not already exist at the
 *             specified path.
 *             Use this in cases where a program may run before a config file
 *             has been made and you wish the program to populate the config
 *             file with default values itself on the first run. The empty json
 *             file simple consists of open and closed curly braces {} which is
 *             the minimum viable json syntax.
 * @param[in]  path  The absolute file path
 * @return     0 if file already existed, 1 if a new file was successfully
 *             created, -1 on failure.
int json_make_empty_file_if_missing(const char* path);

 * @brief      same as json_make_empty_file_if_missing() but can optionally
 *             write a header before the empty curly braces.
 *             The header must be a valid comment for it to be parsed back.
 *             Valid comments are the same as C and can be single or multi-line
 *             C comments. The header string should end in '\n'
 * @param[in]  path    The absolute file path
 * @param[in]  header  The header as a valid comment string ending in '\n'
 * @return     0 if file already existed, 1 if a new file was successfully
 *             created, -1 on failure.
int json_make_empty_file_with_header_if_missing(const char* path, const char* header);

 * @brief      reads a json file and puts the data into a cJSON type
 *             This will allocate new memory for the returned cJSON object. The
 *             user is responsible for freeing this memory after they are done
 *             using it with cJSON_delete().
 * @param[in]  path  The absolute file path
 * @return     pointer to new cJSON data or NULL on failure.
cJSON* json_read_file(const char* path);

 * @brief      writes json data to specified file
 * this overwrites any data already in the file.
 * @param[in]  path  The absolute file path
 * @param      json  The json object to write
 * @return     0 on success, -1 on failure
int json_write_to_file(const char* path, cJSON* json);

 * @brief      same as json_write_to_file() but can optionally write a header
 *             before the json data.
 *             The header must be a valid comment for it to be parsed back.
 *             Valid comments are the same as C and can be single or multi-line
 *             C comments. The header string should end in '\n'
 * @param[in]  path    The absolute file path
 * @param      obj     The json object to write to disk
 * @param[in]  header  string to write at the top of the file
 * @return     0 on success, -1 on failure
int json_write_to_file_with_header(const char* path, cJSON* obj, const char* header);

 * @brief      print json data to stdout in the same form as would be written to a file.
 * @param      json  The json object to print
 * @return     0 on success, -1 on failure
int json_print(cJSON* json);

 * @brief      Get the parse error flag.
 *             If at any point one of the json_fetch_xxx helpers encountered an
 *             error such as an item missing or of the wrong type, it will set
 *             this flag to 1 in addition to returning an error.
 *             Use json_get_parse_error_flag() to check at the end of a sequence
 *             of json_fetch_xxx calls to see if any of them had an error. This
 *             prevents the need for checking the return value of every single
 *             json_fetch_xxx() call.
 *             You may also set this flag manually with
 *             json_set_parse_error_flag() if you wish.
 *             This flag will be set back to 0 on a call to json_read_file().
 * @return     0 if there was no error, 1 if there was.
int json_get_parse_error_flag(void);
void json_set_parse_error_flag(int flag);

 * @brief      Get the modified flag.
 *             If at any point one of the json_fetch_xxx_with_default or
 *             json_fetch_xxx_and_add_if_missing() helpers modified the parent,
 *             they will set the modified flag to 1.
 *             Use json_get_modified_flag() to check at the end of a sequence of
 *             json_fetch_xxx calls to see if any of them modified the parent,
 *             indicating the data should be written back to disk with the new
 *             items.
 *             You may also set this flag manually with json_set_modified_flag()
 *             if you wish.
 *             This flag will be set back to 0 on a call to json_read_file().
 * @return     0 if there was no modification, 1 if there was.
int json_get_modified_flag(void);
void json_set_modified_flag(int flag);

 * Helper functions for fetching a value. These functions can be used two ways:
 *     1. Fetch an item's value from an object by name. In this case cJSON* obj
 *        points to a cJSON object (parent or child) that contains the desired
 *        value by name.
 *     2. Fetch an item's value directly from the item itself. In this case
 *        cJSON* obj should be a pointer to the item itself you want to extract
 *        the value from. 'name' must be set to NULL. This use case is helpful
 *        when parsing arrays since you will likely loop through the array
 *        fetching each item by index. Items in an array DO NOT have names
 *        unlike items in an object.
 * Information on specific types:
 *     - bools are written out to an integer, 0 for false, 1 for true.
 *     - ints are written out as ints.
 *     - doubles are written out as doubles.
 *     - strings are written out using strcpy. Make sure you provide a char* to
 *       enough memory for (maxlen+1) bytes to allow for the null terminator.
 *     - For enums you provide an array of strings (options) along with the
 *       number of strings in the array (n_options). json_fetch_enum will try to
 *       match the string value to one of the provided options and writes back
 *       the index of the matched option. If the string contained in the file
 *       does not match an option, val is set to -1 and the function returns -1.
 *     - fixed vectors are arrays of doubles. The array must be of known length.
 *       If the array in the file is missing, not the right length, or the wrong
 *       typethen this function will return -1.
 *     - fixed vector floats are the same as fixed vectors but writes the data
 *       out to an array of single-precision floats insead of doubles. The
 *       array must be of known length. If the array in the file is missing, not
 *       the right length, or the wrong typethen this function will return -1.
 *     - dynamic vectors are also arrays of doubles but allow for any length
 *       from 0 to maxlen. Be sure to provide an array long enough for maxlen
 *       doubles to be written into. The actually number of doubles found in the
 *       array is written out to len if len!=NULL
 *     - fixed matrices are arrays of arrays of doubles and are written out in
 *       row-major order to the beginning of contiguous memory. See the example
 *       program.
 * Each of these functions sets the parse error flag to 1 if a problem in
 * encountered such as a missing value, entry is of the wrong type, or a fixed
 * vector/matrix is the wrong size. They all return 0 on success or -1 on
 * failure.
int json_fetch_bool(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val);
int json_fetch_int(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val);
int json_fetch_double(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val);
int json_fetch_float(cJSON* obj, const char* name, float* val);
int json_fetch_string(cJSON* obj, const char* name, char* val, unsigned int maxlen);
int json_fetch_enum(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val, const char** options, int n_options);
int json_fetch_fixed_vector(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int len);
int json_fetch_fixed_vector_float(cJSON* obj, const char* name, float* val, int len);
int json_fetch_dynamic_vector(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int* len, int maxlen);
int json_fetch_fixed_matrix(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int rows, int cols);

 * All of the following json_fetch_xxx_with_default() functions mimic the
 * behavior of the json_fetch_xxx() equivalent except they will add a new item
 * to the provided cJSON object with the given name and default value. These are
 * useful for config files which may expand with new features over time.
 * If the provided name is missing from obj and the new default value is added
 * successfully then the modified flag is set to 1 indicating the cJSON data has
 * been modified and should be written back to disk with the new data. The data
 * won't be written back to disk automatically, you will need to do that
 * yourself after checking the flag with json_get_modified_flag().
 * Since the purpose of these functions is to retrieve and optionally add a
 * named item to an object, cJSON* obj must be an object and the name string
 * cannot be left NULL as is possible with the non "with_default" fetch
 * functions.
 * each function returns 0 on success or -1 on failure.
int json_fetch_bool_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val, int default_val);
int json_fetch_int_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val, int default_val);
int json_fetch_double_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, double default_val);
int json_fetch_float_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, float* val, float default_val);
int json_fetch_string_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, char* val, unsigned int maxlen, const char* default_val);
int json_fetch_enum_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* val, const char** options, int n_options, int default_val);
int json_fetch_fixed_vector_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int len, double* default_val);
int json_fetch_fixed_vector_float_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, float* val, int len, float* default_val);
int json_fetch_dynamic_vector_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int* len, int maxlen, double* default_val, int default_len);
int json_fetch_fixed_matrix_with_default(cJSON* obj, const char* name, double* val, int rows, int cols, double* default_val);

 * Similar to the above fetch functions for basic data types, these functions
 * will fetch child objects, arrays, and arrays of objects. They are all
 * essentially wrappers around the cJSON_GetObjectItem() function provided by
 * the cJSON library, but with additional functionality and error prints. If you
 * are trying to retrieve an optional object or array and don't want the error
 * prints, then you can call the silent cJSON_GetObjectItem() function instead.
 * Child objects can contain named basic types just like the parent object.
 * Arrays contain non-named objects in order. When fetching an array, these
 * helpers will also write out the length of the array to aid in parsing.
 * Similar to the "_with_default()" functions, the "_and_add_if_missing()"
 * equivalents here will add an empty object, empty array, or an array
 * containing one empty object to the cJSON* obj object and return a handle to
 * the new object/array. These just make it easier to add new default values
 * since an empty object/array will already have been created to add to.
 * If you are constructing a json file complicated enough to use child objects
 * and array, you most likely want to make use of the powerful cJSON functions
 * included in this header/library. Rememember, modal_json is just a collection
 * of helper functions bundled with cJSON giving you low-level access to the
 * cJSON structure if you require it. You are in no way restricted to using just
 * these helper functions.
 * See the example program for how to use these.
 * All these functions return a handle to the desired object/array or NULL on
 * failure.
cJSON* json_fetch_object(cJSON* obj, const char* name);
cJSON* json_fetch_object_and_add_if_missing(cJSON* obj, const char* name);
cJSON* json_fetch_array(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* length);
cJSON* json_fetch_array_and_add_if_missing(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* length);
cJSON* json_fetch_array_of_objects(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* length);
cJSON* json_fetch_array_of_objects_and_add_if_missing(cJSON* obj, const char* name, int* length);

 * @brief      Remove an item from the cJSON object if it is present
 *             This is useful for old/deprecated values to be removed from the
 *             file. Note that it does not recursively search through child
 *             objects, it only looks in the object provided.
 *             If the value is removed then the modified flag is set such that
 *             json_get_modified_flag() will return 1 if the value was
 *             removed.
 * @param      obj   The json object to remove an object from
 * @param[in]  name  The name of the item to remove
 * @return     0 if item was not present, 1 if it was present and was deleted.
int json_remove_if_present(cJSON* obj, const char* name);